East Arapahoe Metropolitan District - serving Saddle Rock Ranches HOA
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Neighborhood Watch
Thank you to Lori Wager for setting up Neighborhood Watch! The Neighborhood Watch signs are posted at the entrances and Co-Captains have been selected. Please check back as more information will be posted on how to make your home and our neighborhood more secure.

If you see something suspicious call 911 

Or call the non emergency number 303-795-4711

How to check and improve your home security:

1. Make certain your house numbers are easy to see and read, day or night
2. Provide adequate lighting for entryways, porches and walkways, front and back. Use a combinations of ambient and motion sensor lights.
3. Trim shrubs, trees, and bushes around your home so they can not be used to gain access to upper levels or used as a hiding place.
4. Lock and secure all windows and doors to your home or outbuilding.
5. Keep garage doors closed when not in use.
6. Tell a neighbor when you'll be gone for an extended period of time

Crime Prevention Tips from Arapahoe County Sheriff

Theft from Vehicle Prevention from Arapahoe County Sheriff